And all last week, I've been absolutely desperate to add: AND IT'S JESSICA SINSHEIMER!!!!!!!!!
Time for the dance of joy!
This is how she makes me feel.
When I began thinking about how I wanted to tell our agent story, I immediately got a little panicky. We do not have a traditional courtship to share, and I didn't want Jessica to get flooded with unconventional emails and the like, so I asked her if she didn't mind if I shared exactly how we got together.
She, being the wonderful and awesome human she is, said of course.
Ok, how'd I find Jessica? A contest. Specifically, Cupid's Agent Invasion (AWESOME blog with AWESOME contests, btw. But that's not the unconventional part.
How'd I get her interest? Tweeting about a WIP I hadn't even started.
Oh snap, you guys are thinking, that is really not smart of you, sword-bride-girl.
Oh, I know, I know.
Anyway, it went a little something like this. Jessica had tweeted that once an agent and author corresponded enough, you may want to start talking about WIPs. She had asked for my manuscript a month prior, and I tweeted back a little bit about my next project.
Jessica's a foodie-- I knew this. I thought the tweet would make her smile and maybe she'd remember it. I said, "My WIP is about a time-travelling food critic."
I expected a smiley-face at best.
I got a "tell me more".
Oh dear. I hadn't started GASTROPHYSICS yet. I had an outline and a query. Ok, ok, I'm a nerd who writes queries ahead of time. Sue me.
Anyway, I sent her the details (she knew I had zero word count) and she said she squealed out loud in her office when she read it. Then five minutes later she clarified the squeal and bounce was a good thing and that her intern may be terrified of her.
So we begin corresponding about this WIP. Then I wrote a little.
Oh no you didn't! is what you're thinking, isn't it. Why on earth would you share a rough, unfinished first draft, unbeta-ed, with your dream agent?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!
She was very persuasive. I sent it. She asked for more. I wrote more. This little dance continued and one day that email about "when's a good time to talk" showed up in my inbox and...
... The rest is history.
Needless to say, I'm thrilled and truthfully a little smitten. We've talked on the phone a few times and she makes me positively giddy. We're in sync in so many ways, it's actually baffling to me how I could find someone so perfect to represent me. Plus, Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency is so amazing and prestigious! Wow!
Ok, so there it is. I have been smiling for a week straight thanks to this funny, professional, smart and charming agent. My agent. :D