
Writer Interview: Jamie Krakover

I’m a sci-fi fan to the nth degree, so the stuff Jamie Krakover writes should be right up my alley, and hopefully yours too! Check out this interview!


AG: Tell us about your current project.

JK: I’m currently juggling two projects. The first, which is in various stages of editing, is a MG sci fi about a boy that is abducted by aliens. He’s given an ability that he didn’t ask for and it comes with a price. The second which I’m currently writing is a YA sci fi, but I’m not quite ready to tell the world what it’s about yet.

AG: Is it your first book?

JK: Neither is my first book.

AG: How did you tackle the revision process before you queried? Did you use CP’s?

JK: I have various stages of revision that I run through. I self edit, then run it by my CP for a sanity check to make sure what I wrote makes sense to someone else. After I fill in the gaps, I run an abused words check where I eliminate as many to be verbs and overused words as possible (I have a list I cross reference, and the ‘find’ tool in word is a big help). Then I submit it to my YA/MG critique group for more feedback.

AG: What was the querying process like for you? Any tips?

JK: I haven’t submitted a formal query yet, but I’ve done a lot of research on it. There’s a lot of great info online about how to write a good query, as well as numerous examples of successful queries.

AG: Do you blog? Where can we find you on Twitter and the internet?

JK: Yes I have a blog. I talk about everything from writing, to YA books to TV and movies. You can find me at I also use twitter and you can follow me @Spacecadet570.

AG: What online resources have you used to help your writing and querying and revision process?

JK: Google is my best friend. There’s a wealth of great free information out there about writing do’s and dont’s, querying and editing. There’s also some great reasonably priced online classes you can take about all stages of the writing process.

Another huge resource is twitter. If you follow writers, agents and editors on twitter you will see a ton of great advice and blog posts. All the advice there I’ve found to be invaluable. I’ve learned a ton about writing, querying, and publishing just by following people who know the craft.

AG: Any extra info you’d like to add or discuss?

JK: I know every writer hits that point where they doubt their work and don’t think they can continue. I’ve definitely been there many times, but that’s actually a healthy response. You can’t love your work 100% of the time otherwise you will never strive to improve it. But it’s important to remember that when you hit that wall, you aren’t alone and the writing community is a great resource. Go out there and do what you have to move forward in your writing career. Never give up, because every writer, and author has been there at some point. Look to see if you have a local writer’s guild or local chapters of some of the larger writing organizations. The information and support systems I’ve found there have been immensely helpful. And if you ever need a pick me up or some motivation, send me a tweet or a note on my blog and I’ll happily be there with a virtual hug :)


Thanks so much for your tips, Jamie!  Best of luck!  Go check her out, friends!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    i'd definitely agree that believing in yourself and never giving up is very important. there will be many days when you feel like it. hugs are good.
